Limited to be used in specific regions. |
Does not limit itself to specific region of the Group classification. |
None |
Used in situ ground |
Yes |
Exchange of ground is extremely costly and in many countries good quality materials to exchange with are becoming scarce. Using in-situ ground (as with CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY) reduces construction costs, maintenance costs and overall cost of the road |
None |
CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY allows for complex mineral formation (Ca-Al-S, Ca-Si, Ca-Al-Si, etc.) without jeopardy of expansion. No cracking or aggressive exothermic reactions take place with CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY. |
Use within a pavement design, never as a wearing course. Objective use: to increase CBR of stabilized layer. |
CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY produces a highly durable irreversible layer that resists large bearing loads and is volume stable. Its high quality allows for decrease in layer thickness not only of the stabilized layer, but for overlying layers (where relevant) as well. |
Conventional method is dependent on the type of application, weather condition, temperature, dosage, and ground type. Many factors can contribute to cracking of the layer (highly probable). Maintenance iscostly. May lead to rehabilitation. |
Maintenance costs are often not calculated into the initial cost of the road, however they can be as costly if not more costly than the original price. Maintenance should not be an out of site out of mind practice. With CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY maintenance is significantly reduced (to the point of nonexistent) therefore the final construction cost is often the overall cost. |
Associated with shrinkage cracking. |
CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY stabilizes the insitu ground, irrespective of fundamental changes in ground |
Variability in moisture content during application influences strength gains. |
No need to source new material for ground exchange. |
Variability of the untreated material will dramatically influence strength gains. |
Removal and exchange of in-situ ground is not necessary, therefore savings are achieved through costs attributed to time, new materials not being used, and disposal of the replaced ground. |
Materials exhibiting high plasticity (active clays) have a negative effect on the reaction, which results in low strength gains. |
CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY INCREASES CBR 10 TO 20 TIMES SOMETIMES MORE THAN 20 TIMES as well as durability while decreasing the PI of the ground.
Compaction time is, as rapid setting or partially set material will result in low strength gains. |
Strength gains are not in jeopardy if changes in ground characteristics occur. |
Thermal cracking causes structural and maintenance problems and allows for water ingress, thus increasing costs of the project. |
CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY was specifically designed as a ground stabilizer, not adapted from other fields of civil engineering. |
Loss of time due to curing and road closure will result in increased construction costs. |
Non-plastic (sands) to clayey material (PI > 10%). |
Unlimited as long as the material remains moist (OMC). |
Moist curing for approximately 1 day for normal traffic volumes. |
The stabilised layer can be opened to traffic immediately once setting has been effective, which is normally 2 hours after final compaction. |
Strength gains are obtained over a longer period of time resulting in no shrinkage cracks forming in the layer. |
Construction of the stabilised layer is not limited by time constraints. |
The requirement for on-going maintenance is eliminated, allowing cost allocations for maintenance to be used elsewhere for more roads to be stabilised. |
The dosage is not affected by material variability such as gradation and plasticity. |
If excess wetting during construction damages the stabilised layer the material is re-useable and does not have to be discarded. |
Decreases pore capillaries resulting in an impermeable layer and a reduction in swell potentials (volume changes). |
Not susceptible to freeze and frost temperature changes. |
- Strong reduction of water absorption through reducing the capillary activity |
- The Proctor Optimum of treated ground is lower and the density is higher. |
- Strong reduction of water sensibility - Strong reduced swelling and shrinking behaviour |
- The CONSOLID® technology is high-tech ground stabilization and ground waterproofing that is different from the traditional methods as it makes ground compaction totally irreversible. |
- The required bearing capacity can be obtained with 75% up to 100% of the in-situ available ground and you save on the collection and transportation to controlled dumps and on the borrowed materials. |
- The improvement of properties as well as the ground bearing values is permanent and an upgrading can be observed in a short time with the effects of traffic. The increasing firmness and stability of the treated ground will bring about longer durability and thus bigger savings due to less maintenance. |
- The CONSOLID TECHNOLOGY permits an improvement of the load bearing strength of every cohesive or semi cohesive ground by figures up to the 10 to 20-fold relative to untreated material. |
- The permanence and increasing stability of the treated ground yield a higher durability and thus additional savings thanks to lower maintenance costs. |
- The CONSOLID® GROUND STABILISATION TECHNOLOGY is high tech ground stabilisation and ground waterproofing that is different from the traditional methods as it makes compaction totally irreversible. |
The CONSOLID® GROUND STABILISATION TECHNOLOGY improves significantly, inherent resilience against cracking caused by shrinkage and flexing. Resilience to failure from external forces such as; settling, heaving subgrades, and high traffic volumes is greatly enhanced. More cost effective designs are now possible where a stabilized base layer can be constructed to full pavement thickness without the concerns of reflective cracking. |